In the Lotus Sutra, the Buddha announced the prophecy of enlightenment for his numerous disciples, the Sangha that has been diligently practising mindfulness to bring themselves and others love, joy and peace. In the Wonderful Lotus Sangha, we adopt the mindfulness practice introduced by zen master Thich Nhat Hanh (Thay) to water the seeds of love, joy and peace for ourselves and others.


Walking in the Utimate Space -- Poem by Thich Nhat Hanh

如果你用头脑 你将会迷路了


你是我 你看见了吗

子孙后代 都饱足了
我们相会在一起 找到了我们的路





Peaceful Village

Today, I heard a very beautiful song which is from the album of new plum village songs. I wrote down the lyrics and share it with you : )


There is honey in your eyes when you look without anger

and there is sunshine in your face when your mind is pure

Feather is in your hands when you touch without taking

and peddles are on your feet when you walk with joy

Music is in your voice when you speak with laughter

and one mind is in your seek when your heart is free

A lotus to you,
A buddha to be.

Picture is photographed by Phyllis @ Hong Cun Village, An Hui in Apr 2009


Walking Meditation

With each step a flower blooms.
With each step compassion grows.
With each step I find new peace.
With each step I touch miracles.
With each step I see wonders.
With each step I truly live.

Footpath in Lower Hamlet, Plum Village
Photographed by Yvonne in  Feb 2008



Be still and reflect the truth

Recently I have a new insight for the practice of  "Breathing in, I see myself as still water.  Breathing out, I reflect all there is."  If our mind is calm and peaceful as still water, we do not distort the truth.  We are aware of the truth as it is.  We also understand that all things are constantly changing around us. And our mind remain clear and still to reflect, observe, understand and be fully ware of the changes.  We observe that everything is impermanent and therefore they are empty and illusive.  If we think that the illusions are real (meaning something that is permanent that can be attached or hold on to), we start to believe that all these changes are real and they can stir up the water. Ripples, waves and whirlpools are formed and they distort the truth.  As a result, we have the wrong perception but we believe what we saw out of the distortions are the truth.  This will cause us lots of misunderstanding and suffering.  Only when we allow ourselves to settle down, to let the water become clear and still again can we be able to see the truth, and be free of suffering and obstacles in the mind.

This new insight helps me a lot in daily life.  I have been involved in a big project at work recently which is extremely challenging.  New problems arise everyday and the schedule is very tight.  In the past, I would feel worry and anxious under the pressure.  Now I just remain calm and I am not too worry.  Thanks to impermanence, problems come and go.  People's stress and emotions also come and go.  As long as I am doing the best I can in the present moment, I do not need to worry about the outcome because there is nothing else I can do anyway. Without the worry, fear, and anxiousness to distort the reflections, I can clearly observe what is the best thing to do under the circumstances at the moment.  It is amazing how at ease I feel and yet how efficient I can get my work done.  

Miracles happen with mindfulness practice!  I am so grateful to Thay for introducing this simple yet wonderful practice to us!


New Home

I have arrived my new home on 20F in SH. It's easy for me to feel the sky.
The room is mostly empty except some simple furniture.
But no need to be hurry, we can do it step by step and enjoy every moment at the present.
With mindfulness, even this moment we are getting burnt out, we can take a break for breathing-in and breathing-out. We will find that we will find back ourselves soon.
At this moment we will see ourselves as the still water in the lake and reflect all that is.
We see all these with serenity and easy, and find the way that fits us best.
Gradually, we will believe that we are already a miracle
And gradually, we will get the joyful feeling that all is helping us.



"Just because we do not perceive something, it is not correct to say it doesn't exist."

《你可以不怕死》(一行禅师著,胡因梦译)Part 4

Nothing Is Born, Nothing Dies

A French scientist, whose name is Lavosier, declared, "Rien ne se cree, rien ne se perd." "Nothing is born, nothing dies." Although he did not practice as a Buddhist but as a scientist, he found the same truth the Buddha discovered.

一位名叫拉瓦锡(Lavoisier)[2]的法国科学家曾经声明:“没有任何事物被创造出来,没有任何事物被毁灭。”(Rien ne se crée,rien ne se perd.)虽然他并不是佛教修行人而是一位科学家,他发现的真理与佛陀发现的真理却是相通的。

Our true nature is the nature of no birth and no death. Only when we touch our true nature can we transcend the fear of non-being, the fear of annihilation.


The Buddha said that when conditions are sufficient something manifests and we say it exists. When one or two conditions fail and the thing does not manifest in the same way, we then say it does not exist. According to the Buddha, to qualify something as existing or not existing is wrong. In reality, there is no such thing as totally existing or totally not existing.


We can see this very easily with television and radio. We may be in a room that has no television or radio. And while we are in that room, we may think that television programs and radio programs do not exist in that room. But all of us know that the space in the room is full of signals. The signals of these programs are filling the air everywhere. We need only one more condition, a radio or television set, and may forms, colors and sounds will appear.


It would have been wrong to say that the signals do not exist because we did not have a radio or television to receive and manifest them. They only seemed not to exist because the causes and conditions were not enough to make the television program manifest. So at that moment, in that room, they do not exist. Just because we do not perceive something, it is not correct to say it doesn't exist. It is only our notion of being and non-being that makes us think something exists or doesn't exist. Notions of being and non-being cannot be applied to reality.


"Walking slowly in the moonlight through the rows of tea plants, I noticed my mother was still with me."

《你可以不怕死》(一行禅师著,胡因梦译)Part 3

I opened the door and went outside. The entire hillside was bathed in moonlight. It was a hill covered with tea plants, and my hut was set behind the temple halfway up. Walking slowly in the moonlight through the rows of tea plants, I noticed my mother was still with me. She was the moonlight caressing me as she had done so often, very tenderly, very sweet... wonderful! Each time my feet touched the earth I knew my mother was there with me. I knew this body was not mine along but a living continuation of my mother and father and my grandparents and great-grandparents. Of all my ancestors. These feet that I saw as "my" feet were actually "our" feet. Together my mother and I were leaving footprints in the damp soil.


From that moment on the idea that I had lost my mother no longer existed. All I had to do was look at the palm of my hand, feel the breeze on my face or the earth under my feet to remember that my mother is always with me, available at any time.


When you lost a loved one, you suffer. but if you know how to look deeply, you have a chance to realize that his or her nature is truly the nature of no birth, no death. There is manifestation and there is the cessation of manifestation in order to have another manifestation. You have to be very keen and very alert in order to recognize the new manifestation of just one person. But with practice and with effort you can do it.


So, taking the hand of someone who knows the practice, together do walking meditation. Pay attention to all the leaves, the flowers, the birds and the dewdrops. If you can stop and look deeply, you will be able to recognize your beloved one manifesting again and again in different forms. You will again embrace the joy of life.



Four Immeasurable Minds





Taken by Phyllis @ HK University in Jan 2008

Love means to bring happiness to sentient beings.
Compassion means to relieve sentient beings of sufferings.
Joy means the delight of original purity.
Equanimity means freedom from all attachments.


赵州禅茶颂 Songs of Zhao Zhou Tea

此茶非彼茶 彼茶即此茶 ——《赵州禅茶颂》浅析 --- 作者:京华闲人









曹溪本是一个普通的地方,在广东曲江县双峰山下,唐仪凤二年 ( 公元 676 年 ) ,六祖慧能住持曹溪宝林寺,曹溪就此被奉为禅宗祖庭。传说六祖慧能曾在曹溪沐浴净身,一夜之间顿悟佛理,曹溪水因此而成为千年圣水。










燕叟(文怀沙)晚年自认为最满意的事之一就是写了一篇最短的文章——《文子三十三字箴言》。正文仅 3 个字,就是“正清和”,注解 30 字即:“孔子尚正气,老子尚清气,释迦尚和气。东方大道其在贯通并弘扬斯三气也。”文怀沙老人 96 岁高龄时在柏林禅寺朗诵此文时抑扬顿挫,极富感染力,并认为此三字涵盖了三家思想的精华。








赵州禅师圆寂于唐乾宁四年(897 )十一月初二,春秋一百二十岁,距今已有一千一百多年。千年之后在赵州祖庭聚集禅、茶、文三界英豪,再参赵州法语,可谓盛况空前了。作为当代禅门耆老,慧老众望所归的主持此次盛会,看到禅风再盛,欣慰之情跃于词面。









据《景德录》卷十所载,赵州从谂禅师在南泉和尚那里彻悟以后,曾杖锡云游,“芒鞋踏破岭头云”,直至晚年方驻锡赵州观音院。有一天,一位禅僧来向赵州参学,赵州问他:“ 曾到过这里没有?”其僧云:“到过。”赵州说:“吃茶去。”那僧去后,赵州又问另一位禅僧:“到过这里没有?”这位新到禅僧说:“不曾到。”赵州同样说:“吃茶去。”院主听见后便疑惑不解,他问赵州:“为什么曾到这里的吃茶,不曾到这里的也吃茶?”赵州立即叫院主,院主应诺,赵州说:“吃茶去!”这就是赵州禅师“吃茶去”这则公案的缘起。

这“吃茶去”,乍看只是一句极为平常的话语,但在这至为平常的话语中,却包涵了赵州禅师那无碍的平等心。在从谂大师那里,无论是曾到、新到,还是院主,都照样是“吃茶”, 这杯茶正是大师平常心的所在。在禅师眼里,没有资历的深浅或级别高低的分别见,只有那人皆具足的觉性是平等无别的。大师以极平常的一杯茶,消除了院主心中所执的分别观念,从而使他的心灵超越自我,进入出离荣辱、憎爱、悲欢等对立观念的禅悦之中。一杯茶便足以明心,这个“心”就是厥祖所说的那个“平常心”。《景德传灯录》卷二十八《诸方广语》载马祖示众云:“若欲直会其道,平常心是道。谓平常心无造作、无是非、无取舍、无断常、无凡无圣。”马大师当年的垂训,被赵州禅师灵活地运用到了这极为平常的接机语中,因而在赵州寻常的句下,却蕴藏了超越理性的智慧。今天,我们涵咏公案文字以外之旨 ,似仍能略得几分法喜之味。


"When we understand that we cannot be destroyed, we are liberated from fear."

No Death, No Fear by Thich Nhat Hanh,
《你可以不怕死》(一行禅师著,胡因梦译) Part 2

Becoming Nothing

Our greatest fear is that when we die we will become nothing. Many of us believe that our entire existence is only a life span beginning the moment we are born or conceived and ending the moment we die. We believe that we are born from nothing and when we die we become nothing. And so we are filled with fear of annihilation.


The Buddha has a very different understanding of our existence. It is the understanding that birth and death are notions. They are not real. The fact that we think they are true makes a powerful illusion that causes our suffering. The Buddha taught that there is no birth; there is no death; there is no coming; there is no going; there is no same; there is no different; there is no permanent self; there is no annihilation. We only think there is. When we understand that we cannot be destroyed, we are liberated from fear. It is a great relief. We can enjoy life and appreciate it in a new way.


Finding a Lost Loved One

The same thing happens when we lost any of our beloved ones. When conditions are not right to support life, they withdraw. When I lost my mother I suffered a lot. When we are only seven or eight years old it is difficult to think that one day we will lose our mother. Eventually we grow up and we all lose our mothers, but if you know how to practice, when the time comes for the separation you will not suffer too much. You will very quickly realize that your mother is always alive within you.


The day my mother died, I wrote in my journal, "A serious misfortune of my life has arrived." I suffered for more than one year after the passing away of my mother. But one night, in the highlands of Vietnam, I was sleeping in the hut in my hermitage. I dreamed of my mother. I saw myself sitting with her, and we were having a wonderful talk. She looked young and beautiful, her hair flowing down. It was so pleasant to sit there and talk to her as if she had never died. When I woke up it was about two in the morning, and I felt very strongly that I had never lost my mother. The impression that my mother was still with me was very clear. I understood then that the idea of having lost my mother was just an idea. It was obvious in that moment that my mother is always alive in me.


No Death, No Fear ---- "When conditions are sufficient things manifest."

《你可以不怕死》(一行禅师著,胡因梦译)Part 1

In my hermitage in France there is a bush of japonica, Japanese quince. The bush usually blossoms in the spring, but one winter it had been quite warm and the flower buds had come early. During the night a cold snap arrived and brought with it frost. The next day while doing walking meditation, I noticed that all the buds on the bush had died. I recognized this and thought, This New Year we will not have enough flowers to decorate the altar of the Buddha.


A few weeks later the weather became warm again. As I walked in my garden I saw new buds on the japonica manifesting another generation of flowers. I asked the japonica flowers: "Are you the same as the flowers that died in the frost or are you different flowers?" The flowers replied to me: "Thay, we are not the same and we are not different When conditions are sufficient we manifest and when conditions are not we go into hiding. It's as simple as that."


This is what the Buddha taught. When conditions are sufficient things manifest. When conditions are no longer sufficient things withdraw. They wait until the moment is right for them to manifest again.


Before giving birth to me, my mother was pregnant with another baby. She had a miscarriage, and that person wasn't born. When I was young I used to ask the question: was that my brother or was that me? Who was trying to manifest at that time? If a baby has been lost it means that conditions were not enough for him to manifest and the child has decided to withdraw in order to wait for better conditions. "I had better withdraw; I will come back again soon, my dearest." We have to respect his or her will. If you see the world with eyes like this, you will suffer much less. Was it my brother that my mother lost? Or maybe I was about to come out but instead I said, "It isn't time yet," so I withdrew.



Breathe! You are alive

This week, a new friend joined our Sangha Practice, so we go back to a basic mindfulness meditation to start with breathing in and breathing out. Other members are nourished by returning to the breathing as well. In the Singing session, we performed Breathing In, Breathing Out-- the theme song of the Plum Village. With the vivid hand gestures, we feel that we are blooming flowers, we are fresh dew…and we dwell in the present moment.

Breathe! You are alive is one of my favorite song that I want to share with you. It is on the theme of breathing as well. With the powerful lyrics, you can feel that you are truly alive.

Breathe! You are alive 呼吸!你活着

Breathe and you know that you are alive.
Breathe and you know that all is helping you.
Breathe and you know that you are the world.
Breathe and you know that the flower is breathing you.
Breathe for yourself and breathe for the world.
Breathe in compassion and breathe out joy.

Breathe and be one with the air that you breathe.
Breathe and be one with the river that flows.
Breathe and be one with the earth that you tread.
Breathe and be one with the fire that glows.
Breathe and you break the thought of birth and death.
Breathe and you see that impermanence is life.

Breathe for your joy to be steady and calm.
Breathe for your sorrow to flow away.
Breathe to renew every cell in your blood.
Breathe to renew the depths of consciousness.
Breathe and you dwell in the here and now.
Breathe and all you touch is new and real.


1月11日的團練主題 Practice theme on 11 Jan

It's a very cold day in Beijing but the sky is clear and blue.  Our meditation is accompanied by strong howls of the wind.  We are grateful for the wind as it clears away the dust and pollution so that the wonderful blue sky is revealed to us. 

Today we go back to a basic mindfulness meditation to nourish and calm our body and mind. As usual, we start by returning to our breathing:

Breathing in, I know that I am breathing in.                 吸氣,我知道自己在吸氣。
Breathing out, I know that I am breathing out.            呼氣,我知道自己在呼氣。

Then we follow the lyrics of our all time favourite Plum Village song for the rest of our guided meditation.

Breathing in,  I see myself as a blooming flower.          吸氣,我看見自己是綻放的鮮花。
Breathing out, I feel fresh.                                                 呼氣,我感覺很清新。

Breathing in, I see myself as a mountain.                       吸氣,我看見自己是一座高山。
Breathing out, I feel solid.                                                 呼氣,我感到很穩固。

Breathing in, I see myself as still water in the lake.     吸氣,我看見自己是平靜的湖水。
Breathing out, I reflect all that is.                                    呼氣,我如實的反照著事物。

Breathing in, I see myself as space.                                 吸氣,我看見自己是空間。
Breathing out, I am free.                                                    呼氣,我感到自由自在。

While searching for resources from the web, we discovered this beautiful meditation video named "Breathing in, breathing out".  It is not the same breathing in, breathing out that we sing but the music is as wonderful.  Enjoy!


Spiritual friendship

I was reading this text by the founder of the Friends of the Western Buddhist Order (FWBO) to which sangha I belong as a "mitra", or friend. And I wanted to share it with you!

Thank you for being a spiritual friend!

PS. I look forward to reading the next chapter: "Buddhism and business relationships".

With metta,
Kris C


"The development of spiritual friendship is very difficult. Leading the spiritual life is very difficult. Being a Buddhist - a real Buddhist - is very difficult. We need help. And we can get that help not only from our teachers but also from one another. We can't be with our spiritual teacher all the time, but we can be with our spiritual friends all the time, or at least much of the time. We can see them regularly, perhaps even live with them, perhaps even work with them. If we spend time with spiritual friends in this way, we will get to know them better, and they will get to know us better." (p. 203)

and a little earlier in the same chapter he writes:

"We may not have the Buddha, but we do have one another. We can help one another, encourage one another in our practice of the Dharma. We can confess our faults and weaknesses to one another. We can share our understanding with one another. We can rejoice in one another's merits. In these ways we can make a practice of spiritual friendship." (p. 202)

From chapter 16, "The meaning of friendship", from the book "What is the Sangha? The nature of spiritual community" by Sangharakshita (Windhorse Publications, 2000)


1月4日的團練主題 Practice theme on 4 Jan


New year is a time for celebration, a time for beginning anew and a time when we bless our friends with good wishes for year.  One of the benefits of mindfulness practice is that we can do these at every moment.  Every moment is a wonderful.  Every moment is a chance for celebration, for beginning anew and for us to treasure love and friendship. 


At the same time, we have to remember that there are many sufferings at this moment: Gaza is in flames, families are mourning their loved ones killed in the Indonesian earthquake, victims from the Sichuan earthquake are still re-building their homes, families in difficulties due to the financial crisis, the death of my dear friend’s grandma on new year day, etc.  


Today in the gathering of our Sangha, we practice one of the guided meditation taught by Thay and the Buddha for us to look deeply into the nature of impermanence: we cannot avoid old age, sickness, death, and giving up what we cherish today.  Our actions are our only belongings and we cannot escape the consequences of our actions.  We shall live our days in mindfulness, treasure what we have, offer joy and relieve the suffering of our loved ones.


Finger and Moon

Recently in a dinner party, I met a new friend and to my delight, he has been reading Thay’s books since his university days in the UK.  “I like to read Thich Nhat Hanh’s books”, he said, “but I do not like his way of practice and his followers.”  I was curious because Thay emphasizes the importance of practice in all his books.  I wonder how one could like Thay’s book but not the practice!  “I met some of his followers in the UK.”, my friend continued, “They are so into the different rituals such as stopping at the sound of the bell, touching the earth and reading gathas before a meal, etc, etc.  Aren’t all these distractions from mindfulness? How can one be truly present when there are so many rituals to follow?”

He made a good point.  If we fall into the trap of believing that all the rituals and rules of the Plum Village are the experience of mindfulness, than we are in the wrong path.  I told my new friend the famous analogy of the finger and the moon by the Buddha.  The intention of the finger pointing to the moon is for us to see the true moon.  If we keep looking at the finger and think it is the moon, we will never see the moon. If we can see the moon, then we may not need the finger until we lose track of it. If we develop a way to notice the moon all the time, then we no longer need the pointing finger.  All the rituals on the practice of mindfulness are forms, tools and maps that help us to reach the state of mindfulness.  They are not mindfulness itself.  When we practice, we must remember this.

In the common areas of the Plum Village, the clock chimes every 15 minutes, and we are told to stop whatever we are doing and take a few deep breaths to return to the present moment.  I find it a useful practice because we tend to slip out of our state of mindfulness so easily.  But I notice that Thay do not stop at the sound of the chimes.  He continues to drink his tea or to walk.  I believe it is not because of his privilege of being a venerable zen master.  He is already in mindfulness all the time.  I am not making a wild guess because I can really feel the energy of mindfulness Thay radiates wherever he is.  For many of us who are still learning to live the present moment, stop and breathe at the sound of the bell remains a good practice.

你可以為這世界付出更多 You can give more to this world

I would like to share another of my favourite song with you. It is a Chinese pop song.  Written originally for a fund raising event after the Sichuan earthquakes this year, this is a song of contemplation on what we can give, without expectations for returns or merits.  The song and lyrics were written by Ivy Koo, and sang by Jacky Cheung, one of the most popular mail singer in Asia. With the lovely melody and the rich voice of Jacky, this song is wonderfully touching.

You can give more to this world is the title of the song.  It is in chorus with Peace Pilgrim's message: "I began to live to give what I could, instead of to get what I could, and I entered a new and wonderful world."

Watch the MTV here with background of the deadly Sichuan Earthquake and a short interview with Jacky.

Here is the lyrics and the English translation for my western friends :)

你可以为这世界付出更多        You can give more to this world

曲、詞:古羽 唱:張學友      Song & Lyrics: Ivy Koo  Singer: Jacky Cheung

尝过绝望 你才知道              Being through hopelessness, you will know

什么叫做希望                    what is hope.
熬过黑夜                         Surviving the dark night,
               you will treasure the sun even more.
            Learning that happiness can not be taken for granted
                   Opening your eyes and see
            If you hear the calls of pain and suffering
哪可袖手旁观                    How can you remain an onlooker?

你可以为这世界付出更多       You can give more to this world
能够帮助别人你会更快乐       Helping others will make you happier
非求福 和赞美 
It’s not for merits, nor for glory
            You will have more wonderful returns
想想你可为这世界做些什么     Think about what you can do for this world
能够温暖别人的心最快乐       The heart that can warm others is the happiest
所给的 非施舍                   What’s given is not charity
  In fulfilling others we are truly alive

跌倒之后 再站起来 After falling and standing up again
You will become stronger and tougher
After falling sick and enduring pain
  You will learn to treasure healthiness
Understanding that happiness does not come by chance
Looking into your heart
There are so many cries of despair
How can we remain an observer?

Repeat Chorus

Please call me by my true names 請以真實名字呼喚我

n our group meditation last week, we sang the song adapted from Thay's poem "Please call me by my true name."  Thay wrote this poem back in 1978 when he was helping the boat people from Vietnam and heard the news that a 12-year-old girl drowned herself in the ocean after being raped by a pirate.  This is one of Thay's famous poems and my favourite. It is a beautiful expression of understanding, love, inter-being.  
Watch a beautiful video here.
Listen to the song here.
I translated it into Chinese some of my friends:
Please call Me By My True Names  請以真實名字呼喚我 
Thich Nhat Hanh                                           一行禪師

Do not say that I will depart tomorrow -      不要說我將在明天離去 - 
even today I still arrive. 即使今天我仍在到達。

Look deeply: every second I am arriving 深入觀看:我每秒鐘都在到達
to be a bud on a spring branch, 成為春枝上的蓓蕾,
to be a tiny bird, with wings still fragile, 成為一只小小鳥,翅膀依然脆弱,
learning to sing in my new nest, 在我的新巢學習歌唱,
to be a caterpillar in the heart of a flower, 成為花蕊中的小毛蟲,
to be a jewel hiding itself in a stone. 成為藏於石頭中的寶鑽。

I still arrive, in order to laugh and to cry, 我仍然在到達,才可以歡笑與哭泣,
to fear and to hope. 體會恐懼與希望。
The rhythm of my heart is the birth and  我心裡的節奏是所有生命的生與死。
death of all that are alive.

I am a mayfly metamorphosing on the 我是一只在河面睿變的蜉蝣,
surface of the river,
And I am the bird                               我也是那只小鳥
that swoops down to swallow the mayfly. 從半空俯衝下把蜉蝣吞掉。

I am a frog swimming happily in the 我是一只在清池裡快樂地游泳的青蛙,
clear water of a pond.
And I am the grass-snake 我也是那條草蛇,
that silently feeds itself on the frog. 沈默地獵食這只青蛙。

I am the child in Uganda, all skin and bones, 我是烏干達的孩童,只剩皮和骨,
my legs as thin as bamboo sticks. 腿瘦如竹杆,
And I am the arms merchant, 我也是那軍火商人,
selling deadly weapons to Uganda. 販賣殺人武器到烏干達。

I am the twelve-year-old girl, 我是那十二歲女孩,
refugee on a small boat, 小船上的難民,
who throws herself into the ocean 遭遇海盜的糟蹋,
after being raped by a sea pirate. 躍身投進海裡。
And I am the pirate, my heart not yet 我也是那個海盜,
capable of seeing and loving. 我的心還不懂了解和愛。

I am a member of the politburo, 我是政治局成員,
with plenty of power in my hands. 手裡擁有巨大權利,
And I am the man who has to pay his 我也是那個需要給人民“償還血債”的人
"debt of blood" to my people 在集中營裡慢慢地死去。
dying slowly in a forced labor camp.

My joy is like spring, so warm it makes 我的喜悅如春天,
flowers bloom in all over the earth. 溫暖讓百花綻放大地。
My pain is like a river of tears, 我的痛楚如淚之河川,
so vast it fills the four oceans. 延綿充滿四海。

Please call me by my true names, 請以真實名字呼喚我,
so I can hear all my cries and laughs at once, 讓我同時聽見自己的哭泣和歡笑,
so I can see that my joy and pain are one. 讓我看見自己的歡樂和痛苦是一體。

Please call me by my true names, 請以真實名字呼喚我,
so I can wake up, 讓我醒覺,
and the door of my heart can be left open, 讓我心裡之門打開,
the door of compassion. 那扇慈悲之門。