In the Lotus Sutra, the Buddha announced the prophecy of enlightenment for his numerous disciples, the Sangha that has been diligently practising mindfulness to bring themselves and others love, joy and peace. In the Wonderful Lotus Sangha, we adopt the mindfulness practice introduced by zen master Thich Nhat Hanh (Thay) to water the seeds of love, joy and peace for ourselves and others.


1月11日的團練主題 Practice theme on 11 Jan

It's a very cold day in Beijing but the sky is clear and blue.  Our meditation is accompanied by strong howls of the wind.  We are grateful for the wind as it clears away the dust and pollution so that the wonderful blue sky is revealed to us. 

Today we go back to a basic mindfulness meditation to nourish and calm our body and mind. As usual, we start by returning to our breathing:

Breathing in, I know that I am breathing in.                 吸氣,我知道自己在吸氣。
Breathing out, I know that I am breathing out.            呼氣,我知道自己在呼氣。

Then we follow the lyrics of our all time favourite Plum Village song for the rest of our guided meditation.

Breathing in,  I see myself as a blooming flower.          吸氣,我看見自己是綻放的鮮花。
Breathing out, I feel fresh.                                                 呼氣,我感覺很清新。

Breathing in, I see myself as a mountain.                       吸氣,我看見自己是一座高山。
Breathing out, I feel solid.                                                 呼氣,我感到很穩固。

Breathing in, I see myself as still water in the lake.     吸氣,我看見自己是平靜的湖水。
Breathing out, I reflect all that is.                                    呼氣,我如實的反照著事物。

Breathing in, I see myself as space.                                 吸氣,我看見自己是空間。
Breathing out, I am free.                                                    呼氣,我感到自由自在。

While searching for resources from the web, we discovered this beautiful meditation video named "Breathing in, breathing out".  It is not the same breathing in, breathing out that we sing but the music is as wonderful.  Enjoy!

1 条评论:

  1. Thank you for sharing this inspiration, and thank you also for the link - the music is wonderful, as you said!

    I hope you all are enjoying a peaceful Sunday in BJ - wish I could join you...

    Best wishes,
