In the Lotus Sutra, the Buddha announced the prophecy of enlightenment for his numerous disciples, the Sangha that has been diligently practising mindfulness to bring themselves and others love, joy and peace. In the Wonderful Lotus Sangha, we adopt the mindfulness practice introduced by zen master Thich Nhat Hanh (Thay) to water the seeds of love, joy and peace for ourselves and others.


你可以為這世界付出更多 You can give more to this world

I would like to share another of my favourite song with you. It is a Chinese pop song.  Written originally for a fund raising event after the Sichuan earthquakes this year, this is a song of contemplation on what we can give, without expectations for returns or merits.  The song and lyrics were written by Ivy Koo, and sang by Jacky Cheung, one of the most popular mail singer in Asia. With the lovely melody and the rich voice of Jacky, this song is wonderfully touching.

You can give more to this world is the title of the song.  It is in chorus with Peace Pilgrim's message: "I began to live to give what I could, instead of to get what I could, and I entered a new and wonderful world."

Watch the MTV here with background of the deadly Sichuan Earthquake and a short interview with Jacky.

Here is the lyrics and the English translation for my western friends :)

你可以为这世界付出更多        You can give more to this world

曲、詞:古羽 唱:張學友      Song & Lyrics: Ivy Koo  Singer: Jacky Cheung

尝过绝望 你才知道              Being through hopelessness, you will know

什么叫做希望                    what is hope.
熬过黑夜                         Surviving the dark night,
               you will treasure the sun even more.
            Learning that happiness can not be taken for granted
                   Opening your eyes and see
            If you hear the calls of pain and suffering
哪可袖手旁观                    How can you remain an onlooker?

你可以为这世界付出更多       You can give more to this world
能够帮助别人你会更快乐       Helping others will make you happier
非求福 和赞美 
It’s not for merits, nor for glory
            You will have more wonderful returns
想想你可为这世界做些什么     Think about what you can do for this world
能够温暖别人的心最快乐       The heart that can warm others is the happiest
所给的 非施舍                   What’s given is not charity
  In fulfilling others we are truly alive

跌倒之后 再站起来 After falling and standing up again
You will become stronger and tougher
After falling sick and enduring pain
  You will learn to treasure healthiness
Understanding that happiness does not come by chance
Looking into your heart
There are so many cries of despair
How can we remain an observer?

Repeat Chorus

