1月11日的團練主題 Practice theme on 11 Jan
Spiritual friendship
Thank you for being a spiritual friend!
PS. I look forward to reading the next chapter: "Buddhism and business relationships".
With metta,
Kris C
"The development of spiritual friendship is very difficult. Leading the spiritual life is very difficult. Being a Buddhist - a real Buddhist - is very difficult. We need help. And we can get that help not only from our teachers but also from one another. We can't be with our spiritual teacher all the time, but we can be with our spiritual friends all the time, or at least much of the time. We can see them regularly, perhaps even live with them, perhaps even work with them. If we spend time with spiritual friends in this way, we will get to know them better, and they will get to know us better." (p. 203)
and a little earlier in the same chapter he writes:
"We may not have the Buddha, but we do have one another. We can help one another, encourage one another in our practice of the Dharma. We can confess our faults and weaknesses to one another. We can share our understanding with one another. We can rejoice in one another's merits. In these ways we can make a practice of spiritual friendship." (p. 202)
From chapter 16, "The meaning of friendship", from the book "What is the Sangha? The nature of spiritual community" by Sangharakshita (Windhorse Publications, 2000)
1月4日的團練主題 Practice theme on 4 Jan
New year is a time for celebration, a time for beginning anew and a time when we bless our friends with good wishes for year. One of the benefits of mindfulness practice is that we can do these at every moment. Every moment is a wonderful. Every moment is a chance for celebration, for beginning anew and for us to treasure love and friendship.
At the same time, we have to remember that there are many sufferings at this moment: Gaza is in flames, families are mourning their loved ones killed in the Indonesian earthquake, victims from the Sichuan earthquake are still re-building their homes, families in difficulties due to the financial crisis, the death of my dear friend’s grandma on new year day, etc.
Today in the gathering of our Sangha, we practice one of the guided meditation taught by Thay and the Buddha for us to look deeply into the nature of impermanence: we cannot avoid old age, sickness, death, and giving up what we cherish today. Our actions are our only belongings and we cannot escape the consequences of our actions. We shall live our days in mindfulness, treasure what we have, offer joy and relieve the suffering of our loved ones.
Finger and Moon
Recently in a dinner party, I met a new friend and to my delight, he has been reading Thay’s books since his university days in the UK. “I like to read Thich Nhat Hanh’s books”, he said, “but I do not like his way of practice and his followers.” I was curious because Thay emphasizes the importance of practice in all his books. I wonder how one could like Thay’s book but not the practice! “I met some of his followers in the UK.”, my friend continued, “They are so into the different rituals such as stopping at the sound of the bell, touching the earth and reading gathas before a meal, etc, etc. Aren’t all these distractions from mindfulness? How can one be truly present when there are so many rituals to follow?”
He made a good point. If we fall into the trap of believing that all the rituals and rules of the Plum Village are the experience of mindfulness, than we are in the wrong path. I told my new friend the famous analogy of the finger and the moon by the Buddha. The intention of the finger pointing to the moon is for us to see the true moon. If we keep looking at the finger and think it is the moon, we will never see the moon. If we can see the moon, then we may not need the finger until we lose track of it. If we develop a way to notice the moon all the time, then we no longer need the pointing finger. All the rituals on the practice of mindfulness are forms, tools and maps that help us to reach the state of mindfulness. They are not mindfulness itself. When we practice, we must remember this.
In the common areas of the Plum Village, the clock chimes every 15 minutes, and we are told to stop whatever we are doing and take a few deep breaths to return to the present moment. I find it a useful practice because we tend to slip out of our state of mindfulness so easily. But I notice that Thay do not stop at the sound of the chimes. He continues to drink his tea or to walk. I believe it is not because of his privilege of being a venerable zen master. He is already in mindfulness all the time. I am not making a wild guess because I can really feel the energy of mindfulness Thay radiates wherever he is. For many of us who are still learning to live the present moment, stop and breathe at the sound of the bell remains a good practice.
你可以為這世界付出更多 You can give more to this world
You can give more to this world is the title of the song. It is in chorus with Peace Pilgrim's message: "I began to live to give what I could, instead of to get what I could, and I entered a new and wonderful world."
你可以为这世界付出更多 You can give more to this world
曲、詞:古羽 唱:張學友 Song & Lyrics: Ivy Koo Singer: Jacky Cheung
尝过绝望 你才知道 Being through hopelessness, you will know
什么叫做希望 what is hope.
熬过黑夜 Surviving the dark night,
你会更欣赏太阳 you will treasure the sun even more.
学会幸福不是必然 Learning that happiness can not be taken for granted
睁开眼睛看 Opening your eyes and see
若听到苦痛的呼唤 If you hear the calls of pain and suffering
哪可袖手旁观 How can you remain an onlooker?
你可以为这世界付出更多 You can give more to this world
能够帮助别人你会更快乐 Helping others will make you happier
非求福 和赞美 It’s not for merits, nor for glory
你会有更美好的收获 You will have more wonderful returns
想想你可为这世界做些什么 Think about what you can do for this world
能够温暖别人的心最快乐 The heart that can warm others is the happiest
所给的 非施舍 What’s given is not charity
圆满别人才算是真正的活着 In fulfilling others we are truly alive
跌倒之后 再站起来 After falling and standing up again
你会更加硬朗 You will become stronger and tougher
病过痛过 After falling sick and enduring pain
更懂得珍惜健康 You will learn to treasure healthiness
明白幸福不是偶然 Understanding that happiness does not come by chance
掏出心来看 Looking into your heart
有许多哀伤的哭声 There are so many cries of despair
怎能袖手旁观 How can we remain an observer?
Repeat Chorus