Walking in the Utimate Space -- Poem by Thich Nhat Hanh
如果你用头脑 你将会迷路了
你是我 你看见了吗
子孙后代 都饱足了
我们相会在一起 找到了我们的路
Peaceful Village

There is honey in your eyes when you look without anger
and there is sunshine in your face when your mind is pure
Feather is in your hands when you touch without taking
and peddles are on your feet when you walk with joy
Music is in your voice when you speak with laughter
and one mind is in your seek when your heart is free
A lotus to you,
A buddha to be.
Picture is photographed by Phyllis @ Hong Cun Village, An Hui in Apr 2009
Walking Meditation
Be still and reflect the truth
Recently I have a new insight for the practice of "Breathing in, I see myself as still water. Breathing out, I reflect all there is." If our mind is calm and peaceful as still water, we do not distort the truth. We are aware of the truth as it is. We also understand that all things are constantly changing around us. And our mind remain clear and still to reflect, observe, understand and be fully ware of the changes. We observe that everything is impermanent and therefore they are empty and illusive. If we think that the illusions are real (meaning something that is permanent that can be attached or hold on to), we start to believe that all these changes are real and they can stir up the water. Ripples, waves and whirlpools are formed and they distort the truth. As a result, we have the wrong perception but we believe what we saw out of the distortions are the truth. This will cause us lots of misunderstanding and suffering. Only when we allow ourselves to settle down, to let the water become clear and still again can we be able to see the truth, and be free of suffering and obstacles in the mind.
This new insight helps me a lot in daily life. I have been involved in a big project at work recently which is extremely challenging. New problems arise everyday and the schedule is very tight. In the past, I would feel worry and anxious under the pressure. Now I just remain calm and I am not too worry. Thanks to impermanence, problems come and go. People's stress and emotions also come and go. As long as I am doing the best I can in the present moment, I do not need to worry about the outcome because there is nothing else I can do anyway. Without the worry, fear, and anxiousness to distort the reflections, I can clearly observe what is the best thing to do under the circumstances at the moment. It is amazing how at ease I feel and yet how efficient I can get my work done.
Miracles happen with mindfulness practice! I am so grateful to Thay for introducing this simple yet wonderful practice to us!
New Home
The room is mostly empty except some simple furniture.
But no need to be hurry, we can do it step by step and enjoy every moment at the present.
With mindfulness, even this moment we are getting burnt out, we can take a break for breathing-in and breathing-out. We will find that we will find back ourselves soon.
At this moment we will see ourselves as the still water in the lake and reflect all that is.
We see all these with serenity and easy, and find the way that fits us best.
Gradually, we will believe that we are already a miracle
And gradually, we will get the joyful feeling that all is helping us.
"Just because we do not perceive something, it is not correct to say it doesn't exist."
Nothing Is Born, Nothing Dies
A French scientist, whose name is Lavosier, declared, "Rien ne se cree, rien ne se perd." "Nothing is born, nothing dies." Although he did not practice as a Buddhist but as a scientist, he found the same truth the Buddha discovered.
一位名叫拉瓦锡(Lavoisier)[2]的法国科学家曾经声明:“没有任何事物被创造出来,没有任何事物被毁灭。”(Rien ne se crée,rien ne se perd.)虽然他并不是佛教修行人而是一位科学家,他发现的真理与佛陀发现的真理却是相通的。
Our true nature is the nature of no birth and no death. Only when we touch our true nature can we transcend the fear of non-being, the fear of annihilation.
The Buddha said that when conditions are sufficient something manifests and we say it exists. When one or two conditions fail and the thing does not manifest in the same way, we then say it does not exist. According to the Buddha, to qualify something as existing or not existing is wrong. In reality, there is no such thing as totally existing or totally not existing.
We can see this very easily with television and radio. We may be in a room that has no television or radio. And while we are in that room, we may think that television programs and radio programs do not exist in that room. But all of us know that the space in the room is full of signals. The signals of these programs are filling the air everywhere. We need only one more condition, a radio or television set, and may forms, colors and sounds will appear.
It would have been wrong to say that the signals do not exist because we did not have a radio or television to receive and manifest them. They only seemed not to exist because the causes and conditions were not enough to make the television program manifest. So at that moment, in that room, they do not exist. Just because we do not perceive something, it is not correct to say it doesn't exist. It is only our notion of being and non-being that makes us think something exists or doesn't exist. Notions of being and non-being cannot be applied to reality.